The soundtrack to David Lynch's latest film Inland Empire has been delayed for so long that I, like many people, kind of just gave up on it. I had resigned myself to loading up the trailer on YouTube (but making sure to not actually view it b/c that scary head really freaks me out) whenever I wanted to hear the eerie strains of Mr. Lynch's own "Ghost of Love," one of the most evocative, disturbing "darkness on the edge of town" sorta tracks I've ever heard. As it turns out, I was wrong to doubt, because the soundtrack was actually released a couple months ago, on September 11th THE DAY RIGHT AFTER MY BIRTHDAY. Fortuitous, no?
And that's not all! Apart from the wonderfully spooky "Ghost of Love", the Inland Empire soundtrack also features the original version of "Locomotion" (ooh, DISS, Kylie!) and Nina Simone's classic "Sinnerman." I hope it's a jazz remix version!!!
In related news, I just bought this totally pointless but cool-lookin' book called David Lynch: Snowmen. It's pretty much what you'd assume. I kind of imagined friends dropping by my apartment, selecting the collection from my bookshelf and remarking with admiration and curiousity, "Hmm. David Lynch: Snowmen. This is really cool. You really do have excellent taste and a formidable intellect." Then this friend, possibly you, would give me a high five and then we would go out to an awesome rock show. So, like, if you're ever in this situation, just play along, could you?

Fun fact: The best way to start your day is with the David Lynch weather report, available on his official website.
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