Choo choo! Got your tickets, ready? What facts will we travel through today on our sinus medication-fueled journey through the music newsosphere?
Well, not many, b/c my repetitive stress injury really fuckin' hurts!!! So, all aboard! Here's three things I learned today:
1. Wire have a new addition to their series of Read and Burn EPs. It drops November 12th in the UK, and various news outlets are reporting that the material on this third EP will not go towards filling a full-length a la Read and Burn 1 and 2 and the LP Send. Read more--but only a little bit!!!--on the Wire webpage/
2. Best movie ever star Casey Affleck is a vegetarian!!!! OMG, boo--So. Am. I.
3. New Morrissey album coming out in September 2008. I have high hopes for the cover art. Will it be as ludicrous as the Glamourshots-style photo of Morrissey with the tommy gun featured on You Are the Quarry?

4. Also today I found out that Kansas City is not in Kansas, at all, but actually located within MISSOURI. WTF?!?!?! What's it doing in Missouri? I know, I know--shock of the century, right!
My arm's gonna fall off and I'm out for the weekend, heading to Florence. Ciao bella!!!
I believe there is a Kansas City, Kansas and a Kansas City, Missouri so how does that work for blowing your mind.
Also, when I saw Morrissey in Omaha he talked about on of his heroes who was from Nebraska, Dick Cabot. The new Morrissey will be amazing. How can it not be?
I believe Casey Affleck is the youngest of 5 Ford boys, and I'm the youngest of 3 James boys. Casey Affleck is 5'8", I'm 5'8". Casey Affeck has brown hair, I have brown hair...Realtalk with Casey Affleck- we're one and the Same!
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