Thursday, 17 April 2008

Don't forget Record Store Day!!!!!

It's coming!!!! The holiday that will change your life, Record Store Day, is this Saturday, April 19th!!! I signed up to work at my record store/workplace solely because of the all the awesome food I will get to eat. Coffee and bagels!! Pizza! And this, the greatest part of Record Store Day, a BARBECUE!!!! A BBQ at my work/any record store honestly fulfills a dream I never knew I had until I got the email from my boss. Could anything be better than knowing you can buy a Heart LP, the new Jarboe with Justin Broadrick CD, and then go eat a delicious veggie/non-veggie burger smothered in smoky BBQ sauce??? Well, maybe if there was cheap beer, too, but hey, this is real life not a movie. You can't have everything.

A handful of Mpls record stores are doing stuff, as are shops around this country and other countries, too! Stuff like sweet give-aways, performances, and stuff. Check out the Record Store Day website for some idea of what's going down. I don't think it's listed, but in addition to the sweet, sweet BBQ action, Electric Fetus is also having a DJ set by DJ Freddy Fresh.

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