Tuesday 11 March 2008

UK singlehandedly resurrects garage rock (The Sonics are playing)

People in the UK love garage rock right now. This is great because it--along with that Replacements book that came out--gives Minneapolis residents another reason to feel validated about themselves. Because everyone in Minneapolis--yes, EVERYONE, even Norm Coleman*--loves garage rock and will discuss at length the merits of various King Khan albums and then tell you about something awesome his/her friend did at a Black Lips show then get all confused with another time they were at a Black Lips show because OH MY GOD he/she has seen the Black Lips so many times. Even before they were big.

Of course, I am pretty much included in this.

So, it was with great delight/disappointment that I saw the Sonics were playing in London a couple of months after I moved. With the Horrors. SAD. But good for some non-me people, I suppose.

Anyways, here's how it'll go down.

The Kentish Town Forum!
21 March w/o the Horrors
23 March w/ the Horrors

*This statement cannot be verified.

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